Message to Our Mothers | Mensaje a Nuestras Madres (M2M) is an arts and community organizing program using art to destigmatize substance use in families.
“Warrior Mothers” graphic by Jodi Sandoval, Video by Dana Forsberg - type in M2M for access
Overview of the Project
This art exhibition aims to be a jumping off point for policy work done by the Colorado Coalition to Protect Children and Family Rights advocating humane policies for families affected by substance use. The coalition is opposed to child welfare policies that further disrupt and stigmatize families who deal with substance use and addiction.
The project was inspired by Branislav Jankic’s exhibition “Letter to My Mother,” which shows through letters, photographs and a short film, the experiences of individuals whose mothers struggled with substance use and addiction.
Art Director, Marla Wood, curated a local interpretation of Jankic’s work by Colorado artists.
Colorado artists were chosen to develop content in collaboration with Coloradans personally impacted by substance use in their families.
Image by Sandra Caes, Commissioned Artist
image by branislav Jankic, from Letter to My Mother
The commissioned artists include Sandy Caes, Dana Forsberg, Esther Hernandez, Tony Ortega and Marla Wood. Work by Branislav Jankic, and Liz Lynch will also be displayed at the exhibition, along with performances by Johnny Osi and Lady Speech.
Storytellers are community members with a personal story related to substance use in their family who are connected to artists, interviewed for a documentary, or trained to speak to policymakers and the media.
Professionals are involved by speaking on panels and to policymakers, and connecting us with more storytellers.
Schedule of Events
Exhibition: September 21, 2018 — October 14, 2018 at Redline.
Opening Reception, September 21, 2018 from 5-7pm, at Redline.
Featuring the work of our artists Sandy Caes, Dana Forsberg, Esther Hernandez, Branislav Jankic, Liz Lynch, Tony Ortega and Marla Wood. Along with performances by Johnny Osi and Lady Speech.
Image from work by Dana Forsberg, Commissioned Artist
Workshops provide an opportunity for community members to address substance use in their family through art. Click here for more info and links to buy tickets.
Mask Making - April 17, 2018, 5-7pm New Legacy Charter School.
Collage - May 2, 6-9pm, Art Students League.
Writing - Starting May 5 for Six Saturdays in May and June, 12-2pm, Curious Theatre Company.